The Panel discussion included Gerald Blessey, MSSC Manager and General Counsel; Marlin Ladner, MSSC Chair and President, Harrison County Board of Supervisors; Robert Wiygul, MSSC Environment Counsel; Keith Heard, MSSC Chief of Governmental Relations.
The mission of the Mississippi Sound Coalition is to restore and protect the ecosystem of the Mississippi Sound estuary and the way of life and economies of coastal communities that depend on it, based on good science and fair public policy. We seek win-win solutions, preferably by legislation, with litigation when necessary. Our scientific research, public education, and advocacy are focused primarily on ways and means to avoid or mitigate harm to the Mississippi Sound caused by the Bonnet Carré Spillway and other negative impacts.
GCBC fully supports the Coalition’s mission and is committed to providing MSSC leadership with information and its network of resources to advance such a significant undertaking affecting the Mississippi Gulf Coast’s seafood, economic and tourism value. We agree there are winning solutions to avoid Mississippi River flooding while at the same time saving the nurturing effect and vitality of the Mississippi Sound. For more information, including a video of this event, please visit saveoursoundms.org.
The Gulf Coast Business Council (GCBC) is a private sector-led organization comprised of members of top-level business, economic, and policy thought leaders from Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson County. The GCBC is a united voice for effective public policy and strategic advancement of Coastal Mississippi’s economic development and quality of life for its residents.